PM Orbán: ‘Pandemic, migration, Gyurcsány greatest threats to Hungary’

Beyond the pandemic and migration, former prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány gaining power “represent the greatest threat to Hungary”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a meeting of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrats, daily Magyar Nemzet said late on Wednesday.
Orbán told a Fidesz-Christian Democrat group meeting in Debrecen, eastern Hungary, that the past year had seen a health, economic and social crisis at the same time. Hungary handled the “triple crisis” extremely well and “won the European vaccination race”, becoming the country with the highest vaccination rate in Europe, he added.
The high number of vaccinations has enabled a relaunch of the economy, Orbán said, adding that a 5.1 percent growth this year would propel the economy to pre-crisis levels.
If economic growth reaches 5.5 percent, taxes on work can be reduced, the minimum wage can be increased 200,000 forints (EUR 570) a month and a pension premium can be paid, he said.
Commenting on the upcoming elections, Orbán said “Gyurcsány is the real enemy and [Budapest Mayor Gergely] Karácsony and the others only play supporting roles”.
“You must not forget that Gyurcsány is handing out the roles, he holds everything in his hands,” he told the meeting. “We know the truth and we must make sure that everyone else finds out,” he added.
It is important to remind people that “once Gyurcsány returns, the left wing will again raise taxes, especially for people with children, they will let in migrants and raise public utility fees,” he said. “Fidesz must prevent that”, he added.
Source: MTI
Trump lost, Bibi lost, Orban will lose?
Good chance. But I really like the “Homophobic Law” that the only purpose of it was to pass the Fudan university law quietly.
Anonymous your funny. Fidesz and Orban will be return again because they have done the will of the majority of Hungarians. People for the most part do not wish to return to the marxist/communist/socialist leftist past here in Hungary because it was an utter failure. Certainly Orban is no saint. But compared to those who want his job he is damn close to perfect.
If Prime Minister Orban loses the 2022 Hungarian general election, then all hope is lost for Hungary – FOREVER !
IMIGARATION has destroyed London and Paris .English have left,, French are leaving.
the reason covid is up in London , because 60% of London is Indian ,,
my home town southall and Hayes near Heathrow , ,is now 99% Indian , no surprise Indian covid has taken over ..
You are so off the beam it is not funny.
Very few people are homophobic.
The law is there to protect vulnerable children from being brainwashed with thoughts and ideas they
are not ready for.
You guys are prepared to grab onto anything and use it as a political tool.
Fidesz and Orban will win because they are doing what the Hungarian people expect. Socialist just go away no one wants what your peddling.